Only 60 years after the Wright brothers made their first historic flight, Neil Armstrong stepped on the moon. The pace of technological advancement can be staggering-and hard to predict.

This rapid rate of technological advancement isn’t confined to the aviation industry: It’s happening in all sectors, and to make sure you’re ready for whatever the future brings, you need to future-proof your business.

When it comes to running a manufacturing plant, you need solutions now—and ones that will adapt five years down the line, too. It’s important to make sure that the solutions you put in place today will withstand the evolution of technological advances. At BearCom, we’re here to show you how Private LTE can future-proof your business.

How Private LTE Can Future-Proof Your Manufacturing Business

Manufacturing plants increasingly rely on “smart” technology and wireless devices to organize workflows, create tickets for issues, communicate with co-workers and clients, and monitor areas for safety and production output.

You may have just a few devices operating on your current network, but when you're ready to expand your business, you may need dozens, hundreds, or even thousands more. If you’re relying on a public LTE system, business growth could mean overloading your network, which can cause lag due to high latency and a number of other frustrating and costly ramifications.

When all your devices run simultaneously in concert on your own Private LTE network, you have more time to operate and grow your business.

What Is Private LTE?

A Private LTE network is a cellular network, just like the one you access on your smartphone—but a Private LTE network is completely in your control, not the hands of another entity.

On a public LTE network, the service provider has a finite bandwidth that must accommodate all users simultaneously. If the network has too much traffic, network speeds slow down for all users. However, with a Private LTE network in place for your business, you can customize usage so that only authorized users have access to operate.

How Private LTE Improves Your Manufacturing Operations Now and in the Future

Private LTE is an investment that offers immediate benefits that stretch far into the future. With more control over your manufacturing business’s communications and operations, you’ll be better positioned for success now and even more so in the years to come.

BearCom can design, build, and install a customer Private LTE network and ensure that all your devices run in concert simultaneously and seamlessly.

Scale to Your Needs

Adjust network coverage and capacities as needed.

Secure Data Storage

Control who uses the network and how. With barriers to entry in place, it is easier to safeguard against cyberattacks.

Streamline Communications

Connect everything to one network: computers, tablets, smartphones, two-way radios, AI-enabled security cameras, and more—like advanced robotic machinery.

Improve Workplace Safety

Streamlined communications reduce downtime with faster speeds and quicker response times, and they also have the added benefit of increasing safety. Employees on a manufacturing plant often work with loud, heavy, or dangerous machinery. Keeping lines of communication clear and open in your private LTE reduces the risk of injuries.

Contact BearCom for a Free Consultation

Tackle today’s problems while keeping an eye towards the future with Private LTE. With over 350 skilled technicians across 75 locations in the United States, we have the resources to create a custom end-to-end Private LTE solution for you.

Turn to the experts at BearCom for a future-proof network to integrate all your devices, data, and more.