VX-261 Cancellation


VX-261 CancellationMotorola just announced the cancellation of the VX-261 line of radios due to unforeseen supplier issues and parts shortages. Due to the short notice from Motorola, the BearCom team has a very limited supply left of the VX-261.

For those who already own VX-261 portables, product support is intended to run through October 2024. This support will be available through BearCom. Contact your Account Manager for assistance with repairs, batteries, or accessories.

The VX-261 cancellation includes a few models, which are listed below:

Models Being Cancelled






VX-261 136-174 MHz Portable



VX-261 403-470 MHz Portable



VX-261 450-512 MHz Portable

Top 5 Replacement Radio Recommendations

Fortunately, we stock plenty of products similar to the VX-261 that make for great replacements. Like the VX-261, these two-way radios offer basic push-to-talk communication across 16 programmable channels. They also operate on some of the same frequency ranges, making for a smooth integration into your current system. Here’s what these radios have in common with the VX-261:

  • BC300D: Like the VX-261, this BearCom radio is compact, light, and easy to operate. It has up to 16 programmable channels and operates on the UHF frequency band of 403–470 MHz. 


  • CP100d: This Motorola radio comes in both VHF and UHF versions and three versatile options to meet your growing needs. Whether you choose the non-display, limited keypad, or full keypad and display version, it can be programmed in analog today to work with your existing VX-261 fleet and then upgraded to digital to meet your future needs.


  • CP200d: This Motorola radio is compatible with the VX-261 radios and is available in both UHF and VHF models. Like the VX-261 it carries a 3-Year Factory Warranty. Additionally, the CP200d can be upgraded from analog to digital operation in the future.


  • SL300: The SL300 is a great replacement for those looking for an even smaller, lighter radio with exceptional durability and audio quality. The SL300 can be programmed in both analog and digital and weighs less than 6 oz!


  • BC200: This rugged analog BearCom radio operates on up to 16 programmable channels in the VHF or UHF frequency range. With a 2-year warranty and long lasting battery, this is a great option for those looking for an affordable replacement.


Browse Our Two-Way Radio Inventory

BearCom Can Assist in Your Migration Strategy

If you are interested in a last-time buy or would like to look at one of the comparable alternatives, we are here to help. We stock over 165,000 two-way radios in our inventory, so we’re sure to have a solution that works for you. Plus, with over 40 years of experience, you can trust our team of expert technicians to handle installation, equipment deployment, and maintenance.

Our expert Account Managers are here to answer your questions regarding VX-261 maintenance and to provide more information on an alternative that would work best for your needs. Be sure to ask about our extended warranties to protect your business’s investment too.

If we can be of any assistance or if you would like more information, please reach out to let your Account Manager today. Our mission is to provide a seamless transition and ensure there is no interruption to radio service–and no disruption to your business. With BearCom by your side, you too can be Always On.