Designed for small businesses with an eye on future growth, the Motorola CP100d offers analog capability with the capacity to migrate to digital operations when you’re ready. It is a practical, entry-level radio that provides clear communications and longevity.

CP100dContact BearCom, a proud partner of Motorola Solutions, to learn more!

Innovative Features of the CP100d: Quick Look

With the Motorola CP100d, you get a radio that’s built for versatility, efficiency, and performance. In fact, this two-way radio offers between 16 and 160 channels and features a 35% longer talk-time and twice the voice capacity in a 12.5 kHz channel. This makes it ideal for businesses that want to stay at the forefront of innovation.

Motorola CP100d: Versatile Technology for Your Industry

Technology evolves quickly, and one of the best ways to ensure you are ready for the future is to equip your business with technologies that can keep up. The CP100d does just that.

CP100dIt comes with analog capability for familiar operation, and its digital capabilities make sure it is just as practical down the line. When you’re ready to migrate to digital, the CP100d migrates with you. In the future, when your business growth demands additional two-way radios in your communications fleet, these will be compatible with other analog and digital radios.

Because the CP100d is so practical, it improves workplace operations for many kinds of businesses and industries, such as:


This radio has strong enough signals to carry messages loudly and clearly from everywhere in a high-rise hotel or expansive resort, making it easy for housekeepers, maintenance crews, concierges and more to communicate instantaneously over large distances. With this boosted productivity, your teams can get more done in less time.


CP100dWith a minimum battery life of 10.7 hours, your retail teams are equipped for every situation, including the busiest of seasonal and holiday rush. Pre-Programmed Text Messages streamline basic communications too, so it is easier to stay focused on providing excellent customer service while also boosting efficiency.

Light Construction

Activate the audible confirmation setting, and all channel changes are announced loudly enough that crew will not need to look away from their task to communicate. This increases workplace safety while still offering convenient communications.

Plus, the CP100d has an IP54 rating and is resistant to dust and water.

Reach Out for a Free Consultation

The CP100d is the business solution that you have been looking for: It’s reliable, durable, and ready to grow alongside your business. To learn more about it, reach out to us at BearCom for a free consultation.