Private LTE for Cities and Municipalities

At BearCom, we have over 40 years of experience in designing, implementing, and maintaining wireless communications solutions. This includes creating a private LTE network for large organizations and local governments.

Keep reading to learn more about how your area can benefit from a private LTE network. Then contact us to get started!

Private LTE vs Wi-Fi: Not All Internet Connections Are Created Equally

Many homes and businesses use Wi-Fi for internet access; however, for large-scale operations, private LTE is often more practical. Private LTE has:

  • Greater range
  • Capacity for higher traffic volumes
  • 4x faster speeds than Wi-Fi
  • Increased security

Private LTE: The Basics

If you’ve ever connected to the internet from your smartphone on the go, then you’ve used an LTE network before, just one that’s operated by your cell provider. Private LTE is a cellular network, but it’s operated by a private entity instead of a traditional mobile carrier.

With a city- or municipal-wide private LTE network, the local government can own and operate its own internet network, keeping costs and control in citizens’ hands. A private LTE network also streamlines day-to-day business operations for local businesses and consumers.

Bridging the Digital Divide With Broadband Access

Private LTE for cities and municipalities helps bridge the “Digital Divide.” This term refers to the widening gap between Americans who have reliable internet access and those who don’t: Upwards of 33% of Americans do not have internet access at home, and that figure is exacerbated in dense urban areas and rural regions.

It’s no secret that online access is no longer a luxury, but a necessity for participating in everyday life. A city-wide private LTE offers more opportunities to everyone, which in turn, boosts the local economy and community engagement.

Private LTE Boosts Business and Tourism

In everyday life, internet access is increasingly integral. Most homes and businesses have Wi-Fi, but for areas that aren’t connected to an internet service—like public parks, transportation centers, and city streets—people still need to be able to check bus schedules, look up directions, or make mobile payments.

That’s where a private LTE network for cities and municipalities can help to boost small businesses and tourism. For instance, a city-wide private LTE makes it possible for vendors to securely accept credit card payments at the weekly farmers market in the park.

Clearly, investing in an internet connection means investing in small businesses and the people who make your city thrive.

Increasing Internet Access With Private LTE Via CBRS

BearCom has experience in deploying private LTE through a platform called CBRS, which stands for Citizens Broadband Radio Service.

CBRS at a Glance

Private LTE through CBRS is possible by utilizing a dedicated radio spectrum that until recently was restricted for government use. Now, it’s open to the public—all you need is the infrastructure to get started. That’s where BearCom can help. Private LTE via CBRS is:


Using the CBRS spectrum doesn’t require any licensing from the FCC, saving upfront costs. Plus, the city can own the CBRS infrastructure, so paying for it means investing in ownership rather than renting from another entity.


As technology evolves, CBRS is ready to evolve with it.

High capacity

A private LTE network on a CBRS platform can accommodate tens of thousands of users at once.

Scalable to your needs

No two cities are the same, and luckily, CBRS provides the flexibility to create a private LTE network that suits your needs, both for today and the future. Work with BearCom to create a custom network.

Contact BearCom Today!

When it comes to improving the quality of life for the people of your city, high-speed internet access is essential. People rely on an internet connection for business, education, community, safety, and more, so it’s important to invest in the right kind of private LTE.

At BearCom, we have decades of experience in bringing people closer together through wireless communications. Our experts are here to assess your needs and create a plan that works for you—and everyone else, too.

Contact us today!