Do You Need Private LTE?

There’s no question about it: Corporations and organizations need reliable internet to perform even the most basic of tasks. Implementing reliable systems, however, can prove to be a challenge. At BearCom, we have over 40 years of experience in creating custom wireless communications solutions for governments, non-profits, businesses, and more, which includes Private LTE networks.

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Why You Need Private LTE

Many businesses and organizations rely on Wi-Fi for their wireless connections; however, Private LTE offers more benefits.

Private LTE Has a Longer Range and Lifespan than Wi-Fi

Private LTE has a longer range than Wi-Fi, especially in outdoor settings. In addition to having a wider range, it also offers speeds up to four times faster than Wi-Fi.

LTE, which stands for “Long-Term Evolution,” is future ready; after all, it’s evolving all the time. When you opt for a Private LTE network, you’re also investing in your future. Unlike Wi-Fi, LTE networks are 5G compatible. As internet speeds continue to improve with LTE technology, a Private LTE network makes far more financial and technological sense when considering the long-term needs of your business.

Technology that Keeps up With the Demands of an Ever-Changing Technological Landscape Can Be the Key to Success

Private LTE provides reliable performance for enterprises, making it especially helpful for using tablets, applications, networking, video monitoring, alarm system management, and managing the ever-changing technological needs of your business by doing so wirelessly without running expensive cable or fiber.

What Is Private LTE?

If you’ve ever connected to the internet from your phone in an area without Wi-Fi, you’re familiar with LTE: It’s a network connection to get online. In the case of using your smartphone, this network is provided by your cellphone provider and is open to people who use the same cell service.

A Private LTE network is similar, but it’s run solely for the benefit of an organization. Only authorized users can access a Private LTE network, making it an excellent option for industries that work with sensitive or confidential information, like education, manufacturing, healthcare, petro/chem, or government.

Private LTE via CBRS

There are many ways to deploy Private LTE for your organization. One of the best is through Citizens Broadband Radio Service (CBRS). This platform is made possible by utilizing previously restricted bandwidths on the radio spectrum that are now open to the general public.

Integrate your voice, video, and data more quickly and securely than ever before, and keep all your information in your own hands.

Private LTE networks can be used by many industries, including:

Find an Internet Solution With BearCom Today!

For many organizations, Private LTE infrastructure is no longer a question of “should” but “when.” Start your journey today by contacting BearCom. Reach out today for a free consultation or to learn more!